Deep Tissue Massage: What It Is and Its Main Benefits

Day-to-day life can sometimes cause tensions that manifest as pain in our bodies.
To alleviate this, a deep tissue massage can provide significant relief. The benefits of this type of technique are numerous, provided the massage is performed correctly. At Halmma, our expert masseuses help us uncover all the secrets of these massages
What is Deep Tissue Massage?
A deep tissue massage focuses more specifically on muscle tissues and fascia.
The main characteristic of this type of massage is that the pressure applied is greater than that of a relaxing massage, and it must be done in the direction of the muscle fibers to be more effective. However, in areas where it is convenient, transverse frictions can also be performed
Another distinguishing aspect of deep tissue massage is that it acts on deeper structures and works the musculature at a more complete level. How is this type of massage performed?
The first step is to determine, with an initial contact, the type of pain each person feels so we can focus on the structures that need the massage and also those we should avoid to not cause more pain.
Contraindications of Deep Tissue Massage:
- Do not apply deep tissue massage in areas with neurovascular bundles or bony calcifications.
- Be very careful with individuals who have circulatory, rheumatic, or autoimmune diseases.
- If there is a bone fracture, it is necessary to know at what stage of recovery the fracture is because at the level of tendinous junctions, we could cause a setback in the recovery process.
- This type of massage is contraindicated when there are acute processes of infection, fever, or acute inflammation of the tissues, which may be present in rheumatic processes.
Thus, a deep tissue massage can be performed as long as the person feels muscle pain but does not present any of the contraindicated signs described.
Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage:
Regularly practiced, deep tissue massage can help improve our overall health state. Its benefits can be numerous:
- Helps relieve tensions.
- Eliminates muscle pain.
- Increases venous return, thereby improving blood circulation.
- Promotes the elimination of waste elements.
- Improves muscle contractility.
After a deep tissue massage, no specific preparation is required, and only the following recommendations should be followed:
- Avoid physical activities that involve the area focused on in the massage.
- Drink plenty of water to flush out all the waste substances that have been generated.
- Perform gentle stretches.
- Take hot baths
All this will help make the deep tissue massage more effective and speed up recovery.
Is This Type of Massage Painful?
The main goal of a deep tissue massage is to relieve pain and can be performed using various techniques, from traditional massage therapy (using only hands) to massages with equipment or tools that aid in the massage, as long as they are indicated for that person and their possible pathologies.
If performed correctly, a deep tissue massage will make you feel immediate pain relief. Moreover, it will end the movement or joint restrictions you may have (if not immediately, then within about 24 hours).
Pero, para notar estos efectos, este tipo de masaje debe realizarse por un experto con formación en masajes descontracturantes. Este especialista tendrá en cuenta toda la información dada por la persona sobre el tipo de dolor que siente, la zona y sus posibles patologías previas. Así podrá personalizar el masaje de manera segura y efectiva.
Therefore, a deep tissue massage is not painful but seeks the opposite: to end your muscle pains.
In Halmma you will live, the best massage in Madrid!