Halmma, tu centro de masajes

Massage is a fascinating blend of art and science. As an art form, its techniques are constantly changing and evolving. Its benefits have reached our days, evolving from the simplest techniques to provide relaxation and promote sleep, to the specific development of some more complex ones to relieve or eliminate specific ailments of the body or organism.

At Halmma, we strive to offer personalized treatments tailored to the needs and preferences of each client. Before starting any experience, we conduct a brief interview with our clients to better understand their expectations and areas of interest. This allows us to select the most appropriate massage techniques to achieve the desired results, ensuring an effective and satisfying experience. Taking those preferences into account, we also adapt the way each technique is performed. In short, we offer massages so intimately personalized that they become unique and unrepeatable experiences.

To explain why the way we work at Halmma is special, different, and unique, we can break down the benefits into several key points, highlighting both the physical and psychological aspects of the treatment:

Increase Range of Motion with Passive Mobilizations

Technique: Passive mobilizations involve the masseur moving the client’s arms without the client making any active effort.

Benefits: Helps maintain and improve joint flexibility. Allows the client to completely relax while their body is worked on. Reduces joint stiffness, which is especially beneficial for people with limited mobility or who spend a lot of time in static positions.


Technique: Specific stretches for the arm muscles are included, which can be both passive (performed by the masseur) and active (performed by the client under the masseur’s guidance).

Benefits: Improves muscle elasticity and overall flexibility. Reduces the risk of injuries by keeping muscles in a healthier state and prepared for movement. Relieves accumulated tensions, promoting better blood circulation and oxygenation of muscle tissues.

Muscle Level Work

Technique: Various muscle massage techniques, such as kneading, friction, and pressure, are applied to work on the relaxation and toning of the arm muscles.

Benefits: Relieves muscle pain and discomfort, promoting faster recovery from muscle fatigue. Improves blood circulation, which can accelerate recovery and improve overall muscle tissue health. Contributes to the release of tensions and muscle knots, improving the client’s physical well-being.

Integration of Dance in the Process

Technique: An innovative technique that includes rhythmic and fluid movements, similar to a dance, to mobilize the client’s arms.


Mental Relaxation: Rhythmic and coordinated movement induces a sense of calm and relaxation in the brain, similar to the effects of dance and music in reducing stress.

Body-Mind Connection: The fluidity of movements helps connect mind and body, promoting a sense of unity and overall well-being.

Stress Reduction: The playful and dynamic environment helps reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, improving the client’s mood.

The combination of passive mobilizations, stretching, muscle work, and the integration of rhythmic and fluid movements offers a unique massage experience that not only addresses the client’s physical needs but also promotes a state of mental relaxation and well-being.

By “dancing” with the client, we not only work their body effectively but also create an environment where their mind can relax and rejuvenate. This synergy between physical techniques and psychological benefits is what makes our approach the best for arm treatment in the context of therapeutic massage.

Masotherapy is a therapeutic discipline that uses various massage techniques with the aim of improving people’s health and well-being. This practice is based on the manipulation of muscles, skin, and other connective tissues to relieve pain, reduce stress, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. Its benefits are numerous, and the Halmma masseur will use different manipulations, frictions, kneading, etc., as appropriate and depending on the area of interest for our client. The pressure applied in each manipulation will also be adapted, taking into account the desired objectives and the general state of the person.

In Hawaiian, Lomi Lomi means “massage” and “to break into small pieces.”

This definition of Lomi Lomi massage is just a brief glimpse into the profound philosophy of love and peace that accompanies this gentle, relaxing massage that seeks to restore harmony in people’s lives.

The Lomi-Lomi massage is characterized by the use of long, fluid, and rhythmic movements that resemble ocean waves. These movements are performed with the masseur’s hands, forearms, and elbows, covering large areas of the body in a continuous and harmonious manner. We also pay careful attention to the pressure we apply. We aim to make the person feel “embraced” thanks to the amplitude of the movements, which helps produce hormones like dopamine that make us feel better.

The production of dopamine during embraces is an interesting phenomenon that highlights the importance of physical contact in emotional and physiological well-being. Dopamine is a crucial neurotransmitter in the brain, associated with sensations of pleasure, reward, and motivation.

During an embrace, oxytocin, known as the “love hormone” or “hug hormone,” is also released.

Oxytocin not only strengthens social bonds and reduces stress but can also influence the release of dopamine, further enhancing feelings of pleasure and reward.

Therefore, we use this technique not only to achieve muscular results but also to enhance the sensation of relaxation and well-being through the production of these hormones. It is framed within a holistic health approach.

Halmma, tu centro de masajes

This is a manual technique based on the metameric distribution of the body. Through this therapy, we aim to impact the connective tissue, specifically the fascial tissue (connective tissue that covers the musculature). We make strokes or apply pressure in the areas of interest, mainly using it in the lumbar region.

Direct Mechanical Action

produces very intense hyperemia (increased blood flow), up to 12 times greater than that of conventional massage.

Indirect Mechanical Action

action is the most important and is carried out through the vegetative system via the cutivisceral pathway. This concept refers to the interrelationship between the skin (cuti) and the internal organs (visceral) through the nervous system. Thus, the force exerted on the skin of one metamer is transferred to all the structures innervated by that metamer.

Discover the Heart of Halmma and Renew Your Well-being.

At our center, every massage is an act of care and dedication, a fusion of techniques designed especially for you, where your body and mind find their harmony.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the ineffable. A unique and transformative experience. Book your appointment and let our Master Masseurs guide you to a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. Your body will find relief, and your mind, a haven of tranquility.

We look forward to welcoming you at Halmma to begin this beautiful journey together.

Halmma, tu centro de masajes